Saturday, December 31, 2011

So long 2011!

So ends my first year of blogging! 2011 was my first year and at times although I felt like I was talking to myself, I discovered that was OK and also that a lot of people read and don't comment! I have had a good 2011. I had to watch some of my kids go through some life struggles which is never fun as a mom who's first instinct is to fix everything and make it better! They have come out on the other side as stronger people who took care of their problems or life issues on their own (OK..with a BIT of input from Mom! LOL) and I am proud of them. My Etsy shops have taken off a bit and I look foreward to what this next year brings. God has truly blessed me with my family and friends! I want to thank YOU all ( or as they say here in the South "y'all") for stopping by and reading my craziness. The door is always open and I love sharing what I have been up to!
This was an uber secret project that I did as a Christmas present for Sandy, one of the sisters that runs the antique mall I have a booth in, from her sister Sharon. It was formerly a workbench table and now is a French Chic coffee table! I had to take it into my booth with a sold sign on it and LIE right to Sandy's face about it! I am an awful liar and I told my husband who was helping me take it in, "Let's just get in and out of here as quick as possible!" Sandy told me the other day that she was totally fooled and totally loved it . (Yay!) She loved my last one I made and put in my booth and it sold before she could get it.This is one of a pair of lamps I am listing on Ebay this week...I love anything with prisms!(LOL..don't know why that text went blue..what a techno idiot I am!) Look at that sweet face and perfectly shabby paint job!
This is a fav faboo bowl I am listing on Etsy. It actually is an old oak industrial mold but look what a great modern bowl it makes! Selling this one will hurt!
This is what I was working on last night. Of course I forgot to take a "before pic"! These are vintage wooden sewing machine cabinet drawers that I painted and turned into storage boxes. Some got shabby white paint and a vintage metal number.
And one got a handle I made with old hardware bits from my workshop and my fav robin's egg blue paint. My daughter was studying at the table as I was painting and looked up and said, "Blue..who would have guessed?" Poo..I like it! So here is to you and yours..wishing you many blessings and health in 2012! Until next year! Julia


  1. All of your projects are great! I have only been blogging 6 weeks and I totally feel like I am usually having a conversation with myself! hee hee I am looking forward to see what the next year holds for me and hope it holds lots for you too!

  2. Happy New Year to you. I love your sewing boxes and any time I have something with crystals on it, it sells immediately. Thank you for the tip on spraying the paper, that is a GREAT idea and I will definitely give it a try next time!

