Thursday, December 29, 2011

I am on Design Sponge!

I got a late Christmas present yesterday. My ornament above was on the website Design Sponge! Thank goodness the lady that bought it told me where she saw it. I am not very good at checking my Etsy shop stats and abysmal at Google Analytics. Not only do I forget my password, if I do get "in" I hardly know what to do there! Apparently Design Sponge is a big deal fancy website/blog. I had vaguely heard of it before..I had to ask my Etsy Etc.teammates what it was and they assured me I should be happy! The best part is it was their final post for the year and they are not posting again until Jan. 2nd so my ornament will be adorning the top of their webpage until then! So yay! Thank you Lord! I know it isn't the cool thing to do to thank the Lord, (poor Tim Tebow has taken a beating) but I really have no other explanation other than that and sheer luck. So here is a link (if this even works..I am so techno challenged!) Blessing to you all..I hope you had a great Holidays and a blessed New Year! Til next time! Julia (once again..apologies for all the exclamation points)

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