Hi guys! I went out vintage hunting Friday and Saturday this week. Up at 5 and out the door at 6 to drive an hour (or more) to get to sale an hour early..to find they opened up and hour and 15 minutes early and to see the only 2 pieces I was interested in walking off down the street! BUMMER! I HATE when they open early ( and I am not there yet LOL) Oh well..the beautiful Blenko decanters went home with A Perfectly Nice Man who was very happy to get them and he told me for $20 each (at this point I loudly exclaimed DAMMIT! and he laughed)..one was worth $200+ and the other around $100. Boo! Sale 2 I stood in the rain for a half hour only to find I should have gotten a line number and I had to be #65. It was a barn of rusty stuff and so many people I got a bit freaked. Not that I am anti rusty stuff..just wasn't what I was looking for and more than I usually pay. On the up side I only spent $15. On the down side an extra 80 miles round trip and a half hour in the rain and I only spent $15! Sale 3 was much better and saved my day. Today I drove 150 mile round trip to Georgia for a sale and bought 1000 vintage keys from a key maker's estate.

It was dark and rainy all the way there..I hate driving in that so I was a bit tense! I got a lot of skeleton keys and picked flat keys for their rust, size and jewelry making possibilities! I like the ones with the hearts at the top.
I am generally not an owl lover, but this 1970 linen calendar was so cool and in great shape..probably will make it into a pillow or tote.
More keys!
This was a little wooden girl (so sweet) an old treen (wood) box and a cedar heart shaped box... I am a sucker for hearts!
Shabby baby shoes. These need to be stuffed an primped up a bit.
3 cool thick restaurantware coffee cups and 3 Harlequin Homer Laughlin coffee cups...pretty green!
A 6 sided pie tin like my mom's I will be keeping, a brown bottle and cookie and biscuit cutters
Tea strainer balls I want to make into altered dolls (bodies) 2 old boxes of bobby pins, an Archies comic glass, an engraved silverplate baby cup and a cool tea infuser teaspoon.
Too cool..how useful is that for a quick cup of tea? That may stay with me)
Crocheted lace collars and bits because apparently my already ridiculous stash is not enough, black glass necklace, vintage gloves that actually fit my man sized hands and a spool of gold metallic thread for 50 cents because the spool I bought 2 weeks ago at JoAnn's was almost $4!
The pin was missing some stones but still pretty. The clothespins are marked West Germany.
This unopened tobacco sample I got because it was 50 cents and it looked interesting..there is one on Ebay for over $50 right now! (this one is still in its waxed paper wrapper and apparently from 1927,
Ballet toe shoes..I have a hard time finding these!
German plates..their trademark was from 1928-32.
I got a bunch of coral pieces because they were well priced.
An abalone shell an 2 quartz stones (these may stay with me)
Brown bottle, Japan ink (?) bottle and flower frogs.
A cool tudor style front porch light..
A shabby folk art horse..great for the wall.
An Italian frame, a nice old frame with a Mary Cassatt print an 2 French books for text fodder.
This is a skirt hem marker..but how cool for paper towels, toilet paper, or balls of string!
Last (that I took pix of) some vintage metallic trim that will go nicely with the Indian sari borders I bought last month for "projects"! Whew... I need a nap. Hope you had a fruitful weekend too! Til next time! Julia
I love the items, I am thrifting next weekend!
(stopping by from Etsy Blog Team)
I haven't seen one of those hem markers in years. They're so handy and reliable - provided they have not been "manhandled" and left wonky! There' not much point then!
You certainly got a good haul: may it be profitable!
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