Monday, November 5, 2012

Country Living Atlanta Part 3

Hi guys! I was going to finish this series out today .until I figured out I had 80 more Here is part 3 and I will post the part 4 finale tomorrow! If you are new, these are pics of the Country Living show in Atlanta. I was going to mention every dealer's things I took pictures of, but again I apologize..I got in there and it was crowded and I totally lost my head as to where I was! I really liked this lady above...quite the junk princess!
 Vintage advertising tins and aqua mason jars..
 This booth was cool and very eyecatching. The black paint really showed off all the mid century coolness!
 Love the globes..
 My mom has these exact flying ducks still hanging in her downstairs!
 Vintage cameras, clocks and fans..can't go wrong there!
 I met one of my online people Jeanne from Junxtapostion. She is one of the people I talk to on the Junk Revolution community board.(  If you remember the Junkers Ki and Sue, this is Ki's site. I am guessing they had some sort of business split and I am afraid to ask. Sue has another site) Anyways.. I made a total ass of myself..I was all like"Are you Jeanne? It's ME Julia! (deer in headlights look) I mean Hope and Joy (she looks like she wants to call security) From the Junk Revolution board! (light dawns) That poor woman..she was very sweet and gave me a big hug and chatted for a few minutes although she was busy. Her jewelry was gorgeous and her booth was covered up and THIS is the only picture I got! SECUURRRRITY! *sigh* Her wesite is and you can check out her lovely pieces there!
 Cute framed vintage embroidery..
 Paper flower magnets on a vitnage red tin cabinet..
 Upcycled vintage patterns..
 These we very interesting!
 Upcycled husband liked this booth a lot.
 Vintage bark cloth palooza!
 Back to the upcycled light guy's booth..very cool!
 A jumping horse covered in vintage painted wooden bits..
 Printed feedsack pillows..
 Shabby loveliness...
 Cool..but not really for sitting in!
 Upcycled vintage..
 Chicken feeder pendant lights..
 And one made of vintage garden fencing and glass insulators and the top is a small metal feed bin lid.
 Shabby manni..
 These were pretty awesome...
 Vintage metal collage..
 I really liked this little metal cabinet..
 More mannis...I could not let one go un- photoed apparently! LOL
 Eggs printed on vitnage dictionary pages in shabby frames..I have an aqua addiction..
 This booth had fab displays...
 More vintage cameras, reels, film canisters and some cake toppers..
 Elvis was in the building..
 Vintage cameras have such a cool architectural/sculptural look!
And I bid you adieu with another suicase full of vintage dolly body parts..4 heads in a dufflebag? Check back for the rest tomorrow! Til then! Julia

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