Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Country Living Atlanta Part 2

 Hi guys! More pix! This display was certainly of the season!
 I have a couple of these exact chairs in aqua. My husband was making noises about selling them after seeing these because apparently I don't "sit in them enough" *pffft* Maybe I should move them inside?!
 I love doll furniture and thought this was a cute display on an old scale. I'd like to fill this tiny "dance floor" with dancing doll figurines..I'd need waltzing cake toppers...wonder if there is such a thing?
 Vintage bottles. Usually when you see them this "sun purpled" it is because they have been irradiated. The sun and time naturally turns them a pale lavender but someone discovered that the process can be hurried along with a fruit irradiator.
 Certainly not saying that this dealer did that, I have bought and sold some dark purple ones myself! They are pretty! I think it was the manganese in the old glass that has this reaction.
 Cool old painted springs.I'd say off farm equipment since they are Ford blue, Minneapolis Moline yellow and International Harvester red..can you tell I am a farm girl?
 Cool old flash cards. I figured out a way to make these myself and I will be sharing a tutorial once I remember exactly how I did it!
 So many cool old mannis and displays...
 Framed vintage doll clothes... sweet!
 Upcycled trophy top coat racks..these had me at red and aqua..love those colors together!
 Sweet feedsack rag balls in an old battery jar. These were used on farms with windmills to store power. After my Gramma got "real" electricity, she used these to make sweet pickles in.
 Vintage dolly graveyard and old china bottle toppers/corks.
 This was a large cool (yes there's that word again!) cubby.
 Probably from a factory since the cubbies are numbered.
 Neat idea. Ugly 1970's piece painted black and the faux leather bits covered with galvanized tin!
 Upcycled baby blocks..
 Another manni...
 Some booths belonged to shop owners and had new pieces mixed with the old.
 Loooove old ornaments!
 I like how she used the vintage baby crib wire platform's springs as hangers..cute!
 Some people put up quite an amazing booth display!
 Magnets made out of wine/whiskey barrel bungs stamped with numbers..
 I loved this green chest!
 Cute idea!
 Cool display...
 This booth had lots of vintage ephemera for scrapbooking and altered art....
 Such coolness!

 They had lots of these industrial bin lids..awesome..(see..no cool there)
So fun!

And all out of time for tonight ( see what I did there..so punny!) Vintage pocket watch faces on a bed of dried hominy corn..this is what corn nuts are made of..and ground up, they are grits! Very fitting for a Southern show! I have one more batch of pics I will post tomorrow or the next day. Stop  back! 'Til then! Julia


  1. What a fantastic show! I have a feeling my wallet would be muuuuuch lighter if I ever went.

  2. wow...COOL! lol. great items, wish I had been there.
