Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More from the antique show

Hi guys! It took me a couple days to get back to internet was down! Today I am sharing some pics of some things I saw when making a mad dash about the antique show. I make a mad dash because I leave my husband in charge and who knows what he will sell my goodies for when I'm gone! (He did fine without me) I love these old tole painted rosy floral trays. They are always so stinkin' expensive though!

              This aqua chair was adorable but $195..and I am cheap!

                                      This was a pretty cottage booth.

                             Those roses in the vase are real and gorgeous!

This cute little camper was swarmed with ladies. They were selling new lacey clothing tht looked old (think Magnolia Pearl but made in China)
At least the mirrors were old! They had cute pink petunias too..presentation is important!!

I always apply the brakes for old dollhouses. My sister Janet has my mom's and I bought a very similar one that I keep in my laundry room. She has collected several!

Clinton, TN has a charming historic downtown area. They close the streets for this show.

Even though I love Shabby Romantic Cottage, farmhouse primitives have a pull for me...must be my farmgirl roots!

I should have checked the prices on these blue and white graniteware pieces to see if they are as expensive as they used to be!

They also had some nice decoys and primitives.

Things with lots of cubbies or drawers always catch my eye. This was an old parts cabinet.

Adorable and again..pricey. Most things I like usually are! Boo...

Lots of cool old signs and a new stenciled  Merita screen door. An old Southern bakery, they are still in business.

                                                            In the South, Coke is it!


This booth is where my money went! She had all little cool artsy bits and bobs..I wanted it all!

A few *cough-cough* of these came home with me. Cool old trade cards and game cards.

These came with me! I have very little control of myself with artsy bits..I did pass on the tubes of sequins...but only because I already have a suitcase(or 2) of vintage glitter and sequins...I also got a boxful of old rusty couch springs! The lady who's booth it was remembered me from one of her estate sales. I seem to remember making a large pile at that one! She said she has another coming up..can't wait!

These old cowbells were cool..yes I use that word a lot! I liked the verdegris (verdagris?) one.

                                                         Lots of pretty vintage jewelry...

A big old gear... industrial is hot.

Old birdcages and an old clock case which I loved..but I already have several waiting for me to "do something" with them!

This was an amazing vintage chenille spread. I think it was a later model as someof the "chenilles" were polyester. I have been told that the town I live in, Sweetwater, used to have a chenille mill. One of my old vendors in my former antique mall told me you could tell what color they were making that day by the color of the water in the creek that runs through town ... before enviromental protection laws were in play!

I liked this was quite large.

More farm machinery bits..I think this is an old cultivator or rotary hoe piece..I need to check my dad's junk pile!
The food looked amazing (pardon the classy garbage can shot) There were several different barbeque wagons and lots of other fabulous fair type food booths and a huge bake sale put on by the Antioch Baptist Church all located in the town courtyard. A fabulous way to spend a day! 'Til next time! Julia


  1. Great photos - I LOVE the dollhouse and the painted trays! I also have a large blue & white graniteware tub (not sure exactly what it is but it's antique and came with my last house and I used to use it to pick grapes!) It has a couple small rust holes in the bottom so I use it at outdoor parties for ice & drinks...was thinking of planting in it though...
