Wednesday, May 23, 2012

April showers May flowers

Hi guys! I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted! I have been crazy busy! I kept thinking I was going to get some pics taken to put on here but life has been flying past me! These pics are actually of a vintage paper clothespin wreath I made last month. I love these aqua and cream ones. I want to do an all white one and a pink and white one next..when I get a minute!The above flowers were made from vintage and antique sheet music, Jane Austen Pride and Predudice pages and a new paper I tried this time, lacey paper doilies. I love how those turned out! The centers are vintage buttons and pearly beads. There are also French dictionary pages and chiffon layers.

I have been busy doing antique shows. This last one was the local Highway 11 "yard sale". Here in Sweetwater (TN) it is more antique flea market than yard sale. My husband helped me set the tent up Wednesday night. Thursday he and our daughter Hope went to Bloomington, IN to check out apartments for her. She will be attending Indiana University's Optometry school in August. They found her a cute place and finalized her student loan package (ouch..for her!)

I sat in the sun for 4 days selling "stuff". At this sale it was mostly cleaning out my trailer and shed and workshop and booth of things that needed to GO. Luckily a lot went!
Those sales are so taxing. I was glad it was local and that it only rained once. My husband's dream is that when he retires we will just do shows..whew.. I also totally redid my antique booth on Monday, taking out a few things I was sick of looking at, marking things down, bringing new things in, and basically moving every item in the booth! I actually sort of like all looks like different stuff when you are finished. Today I planted 4 new fruit trees that I got last week. WalMart had half off the already half off price on fruit trees and I got a Gala apple tree for $5 and 3 cherry trees for $6.25 each...not what I even had went in there to get..and the apple tree was so big it barely fit in my minivan! My husband just shook his head. We had to buy "good dirt" and Miracle Gro at Lowes..I think we spent more on that than I did on the trees.They are now finally planted. Maybe one of these years we will have fruit. I had planted 2 pear trees and 4 apples last year..they were pretty tiny though and it will be a couple years before they fruit.My garden is starting to take off. I will have to take pics tomorrow if it doesn't rain.

Back to the wreath..the clothespins I covered with scrapbook paper and vintage map paper. The white roses I made with coffee filters. I have so many ideas to try and am so frustrated about my crafting time. School is out as of this Monday and the boys' baseball games are winding to the end so maybe... but then there is that bathroom I bought new paint and tile for.... oh well! Hope you are having a productive month! Til next time! Julia

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