Thursday, March 8, 2012

New vintage goodies

Hi guys! I have been MIA for a bit from my blog. My sister Laura came to visit me from SD and we were busy having a Grand Old Time. Actually she came to visit a dentist, but seeing me was a plus! We did squeeze in a trip to Ashville, NC's Biltmore house (see above ^^^) It is the largest privately owned home in America. They don't allow cameras inside but it is gorgeous. So are the gardens and I particularly love their rose garden. Unfortunately we were there about a week or 2 before their bulb garden would be blooming..still pretty though a bit cold. It was actually snowing there that day! We had lunch at the winery bistro and did the wine tasting and had a good girly time!
I did get to a couple good sales in the last couple weeks and I have piles of things to list. I don't even have all the pictures taken yet! I wanted to share a few of the pretties. These ladies are a pair of vintage shabby Princess and bride dolls. They have shabby finery but are still charming!
I am a sucker for a silhouette. This one is reverse painted. My Gramma had some of these in her home and I think that is why I like them. That and the stark cream and black graphic images!
These are carnival glass. I THINK they are vases without their holders but they may have been epergne pieces. (A centerpiece with a central vase with several smaller surrounding vases in a holder)
I got a slew of fab old buttons.
.. two dozen spools of this old lace making thread on fab wooden spools..
This hat is my ladylike!
..a cute lily of the valley bandeau hat...
This one reminds me a bit of a matador. It is encrusted with tiny glass beads and pearls and has an elegant veil. I always feel a bit shorted that these type of hats are not common headgear anymore. Although I apparently have a huge noggin and would have trouble wearing the usual smaller hats!
This is an old cast iron sconce. I would paint it white or cream and add prisms (of course) and a candle cover with vintage text..and possibly a glass shade, but then you would miss out on the cool candle cover! It is electric, but you could also just add a taper to the socket..instead of upcycling, would that be "down cycling"?
I always snab these cool old flower frogs when I see cool for displaying old photos.
I love this sewing hamper. I have one just like it in minty aqua. Cool for their original purpose or also they make great vintage storage!
The coolest phone in University of Tennessee orange..go Vols! I love old rotary phones but they won't work at our house with MagicJack (which does save you tons of money btw! I think it was $20 a year for our home phone service! You still have to pay for internet service to run it though) My kids were always amazed by rotary phones when I had them in my former store. They would just stand there and dial away!
A super cool Mid Century anodized aluminum West Bend coffeepot. It works great! I had never seen these before but I guess they also came in red and blue.
Cute hard plastic vintage Easter ornaments..2 little pink lambies. I like sheep and if we ever have enough land again sometime I would like to have them again!
Adorable Knickerbocker Poppa bunny. He is missing his pipe but I'd add a cocktail umbrella or make him a pipe out of polymer clay!
An old paper mache shabby pink bunny. I think this guy was probably a candy container at one time.
Darling old leather baby shoes. I am a sucker for these too! Spring is "sproinging" around here lately and I hope to have some pictures of budding trees and blooming bulbs on here soon, I hope you have a great week and stop back! Til next time! Julia


  1. Julia, This was a great, delightful post. I know having your sister visit was a treat. (Sisters are the best people in life!) You really made quite a haul with the great finds. I can't decide which I like best, but I think it is the pair of dolls.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  2. As someone that went to UT I wonder if that is the same phone that was in my dorm room! Just kidding...Lovely finds!!

  3. I really enjoyed seeing the Biltmore! Glad you had fun with sis!
    Great finds, that carnival glass if fabulous, hum no holder...still great! And hats and sewing stuff be still my heart!


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  5. wow, you found some really great items. I remember those little pink plastic sheep from my childhood.
