Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hi guys! I have been slacking on my blogging. I have been busy lately working on things for my handmade Etsy shop and my vintage Etsy shop and getting things together for my antiques booth uptown. I see things happening in my life and think..Oooh..I should have my camera ..but then that moment flashes past! The peacocks have been flaunting themselves in my yard lately. Their tail feathers have regrown and they are quite proud of them! The above pic is one of them I took last winter. I haven't tracked them down this year yet.There have been beautiful sunsets and sunrises and mystical foggy mornings..all missing my camera lens! It has been mostly rainy here and there are daffodils blooming. I shall TRY to be better about making sure my camera is in my tote!
My YAY news..somehow in the last 2 weeks I have been in Etsy finds twice after never having been there before. They featured one of my mini tin upcycled chalkboards that I have pics of below and this wreath which was on the front page of the newsletter. The chalkboard brought some views and a few orders but the wreath brought almost 3000 views (my most ever) and several orders and sales..YAY! I am at the moment in flower making heaven (or hell..however you look at it..for me heaven!). I told my daughters I feel like Elf in the movie Elf (what else) when he is snipping snowflakes for Gimble's Santa's workshop and the paper bits are just flying! BTW if you have never seen it!
This was a vintage feedsack quilt top I listed in my shop that is now in Japan!
The feedsack prints are soooo cheerful!
I am a total feedsack lover.
This quilt top was also listed and sold. It was made all from plaid flannels. I loved this one and thought if it didn't sell I would keep it or use it for projects. Oh well! My fav square is that green one with the pink and blue plaid star on the upper right side.
This doll I must have underpriced because she sold in like 2 minutes. I listed her and went back to check for typos and she was gone. I thought I had accidently deleted her somehow!
She was composition with a excelsior stuffed body. She had her original union suit and slip, a bad newer dress, detached wig and questionable repaint job but still pretty!
This poor baby...sigh..She was definitely well loved!
This is a quilt I will be listing. My pix of it are so tragic I am waiting for a sunny day to redo them.
It is large with fab firework print cotton front in a crazy quilt pattern.
The whole back is made of matching vintage feedsack fabric! I got this one in my hometown last summer when I was on vacation. It is taking me a long time to get it listed!
This is a fab smaller quilt. It is made of feedsack fabric also. It needs better pix taken too before listing. Rain, rain, go away!
An ornate Wm. Rogers silverplated tray..
I have several of these and I really like them. They are vintage tin trays. I have seen canisters and matchbox holders in this same pattern!
Another of my upcycled candleholders. I sold a couple of these too.
I listed a batch of Scrabble tiles..sold..these were older and had a nice honey colored woodtone.
I made some vintage sheet music boutonneires for a bride to be whose fiance is a musician. (Pay no attention to the awful nail polish! LOL I rarely paint my nails but I loved this color of my daughter's..this is day 2 of the paint job and it is all chippy. NOW I remember why I don't paint my fingernails..I guess I will just stick to painting my toes!)
I tinted the sheetmusic for the leaves and calyxes...sepals??
I listed some vintage wooden factory sand mold casting pieces that were lurking in my shed and guess what? They sold! Amazing that if you list something it sells faster than it does just lurking in your shed! I loved the architectural/sculptural feel these have. This one would make a good stand for a bowl or art piece too!
Ed found a bucket of these cool old branding irons at the last sale we got to go to. This is basketball season for our 9 yr old son and that takes a bite out of most of my Saturday mornings lately..also church cleaning and church finance meetings!
I listed several groups of these old alarm clocks. They are non working but I thought they would be great for decor..
This set sold.
I thought after I listed them how cool they would be to alter with old photos and whatnot collaged on and maybe some cool tin or paper wings added..oh well..I have more ideas than time!
This also sold in a day and I will regret not keeping it. It was the perrrrfect minty aqua blue with a fab chippy finish *sigh*
This tray is now on its way to Norway.
I upcycled a couple vintage wooden sewing machine drawers because I had a customer wanting one with a crystal knob.
She bought this one.
This is also on its way to Norway..these were the ones that were in Etsy finds before Valentines day as one of their $20 or under gifts. I have more I was painting but it was so cold my spray paint wrinkled. Now I have to sand and start over!

These were a special order for a customer. She was going to use them as a centerpiece for her sister's birthday party (hope it is not any of you..or oops!) I really want to get cracking making more of these as I have new ideas but I have to get the wreaths out of the way first.

Hmmm in other news..still haven't re-weighed myself since my last heartbreak. Still going to the gym. My mom spent a day in the hospital with chest pains that they found out was because her iron was so low it was stressing her heart. She has struggled with low iron and the onset of osteoporosis for years and the Drs kept running tests and scoping her for "leaks" to no avail. My sis researched gluten intolerance online and found out her low iron, osteoporosis, bloating and stomach troubles are all red flags of gluten intolerance. Her brother is GI and told her 2 years ago she should get checked but she "didn't want to have that" so she never did. We insisted she get a GI blood test and low and behold that is what her problem is! It is a dietary change. Left unchecked, you do not absorb iron or calcium and other nutrients and it kills off the villi in your small intestine and can cause cancer and osteoporosis and other problems. We are hoping she is on the road to recovery and God Bless Google search! If you have any of those issues or know someone who does, Google it and read! It is a simple blood test and a diet change. It said that they think up to 15% of the population may have it.

Okay..looking back I guess I know why I haven't been blogging a lot lately! LOL Hope you are all having a productive week and many blessings to you all. Thanks for stopping in and check back and see what craziness I have been up to! Til next time! Julia


  1. Congrats on being in Etsy finds! That's great! I also love the flannel plaid quilt, I'll have to put one of those on my "I need to make one of these someday" list!

  2. Julia these are all beautiful! I love the weight scale with the chippy aqua paint too...and the quilts! Oh wow...American treasures. You are very talented indeed.

    popping in from the EBT...

  3. wow, it sounds like you are doing great with etsy! Those quilts are fabulous, I am not surprised they sold!


  4. Oh my! I was savoring each of your pictures and descriptions and came to the gluten intolerance part your Mom is suffering. I was just talking to my daughter yesterday that I have matching symptoms and she urged me to research a gluten-free diet! I haven't yet, so this was no coincidence. Will get right on it now. Thank you!
