Hi guys! I THOUGHT I had a "before " pic on these but I can't find it anyplace! They were ugly bronzey brown metal buckets. I gave them a coat of white spray paint.

Some graphics from the Graphic Fairy.. I resize these in Print Shop. I don't have Photo Shop (soooo expensive!) but I have learned to make Print Shop do a lot for me..and it only cost like $20!

And some vintage robin's egg blue seam binding ribbon trim (a fav color of mine!) I think next time I will try brown ink on the edges of the label to make it look even more vintage.

I added shreds from a French to English dictionary book..romance novels or sheet music would also be great. (hmm..where have we seen that book before?) If you are buying a paper shredder, make sure it makes long thin strips of shred not the cross cut short strips (this is why I now own TWO paper shredders! LOL) I think this one cost like $12 at Walmart! All ready to fill and give (0r keep!) Soaps and votives would look great in this!

I also gave a vintage flour sifter "the business".

Add paper shreds and kitchen type items for a cute gift "basket"! These are headed off to my booth. There are so many things that could be upcycled to a cute gift basket or decor piece. You'll never want a plain gift bag again! Til next time, Julia
Those turned out great! The ribbon finishes them off so nicely :)
They look lovely, and so handy to store stuff:):)
Popped over after reading your comment on my blog. Couldn't resist following a fellow feedsack devotee!
LOVE what you've done with these!
These are so cute and would make great gift baskets. A double gift!
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