I finally got some pics of the daffodils I have been seeing for the last couple days! I kept forgetting my camera..I'm reeeeeally not much of a morning person. When I take my little boy to school in the morning I pray I am never in an accident or run out of gas. I'd rather not get caught with bedhead, a pajama shirt and my hubbies sweats on! Spring has sprung in East TN..although it is supposed to get close to freezing tonight. These flowers grow wild in the ditches here..runaways from their original plantings. Sometimes where a house used to stand, you can still see them raising their heads! I hope spring is on the way for you too! Til next time! Julia
The daffodils are lovely, as is your blog...bright and cheerful and with pretty photos. It should become a very popular blog.
Thanks for your comment on my blog regarding the demise of the old etsy forums, yes it is pretty sad and a lot of us are upset about it. Maybe etsy admin. will have second thoughts and return the forums to its old format. We can only hope. :)
your photographs are lovely!
sigh....thanks for the spring photos...I am in New England and on Cape Cod which means the ocean stays cold forever and we get spring...oh...about never....seriously, maybe a few days here and there but nothing like you get! my daughter went to school down south and we all just walked around going, wow! so this is what spring is like....huh....;-)
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