Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring has sprung!

 Hi guys! Spring has sprung in East Tennessee. The daffodils and forsythia bushes are blooming. People are giving their lawns the first mow (and I am driving by with my window down sniffing). The trees are budding and leafing out in a haze of pink, white, and new leaf green.

 I was taking this pic with my phone and I never noticed it was a bit out of focus..oh well..still pretty yellow! It has been in the 70's and gorgeous the last couple days. This Saturday is supposed to be 24 degrees with 3 inches of snow! My mind refuses to wrap itself around that!

Not too long until peony season! This is an older pic of some paper  peonies I made with coffee filters.. the cheerful yellow vintage McCoy pottery vase just seemed to "go" with this post. Despite the impending doom of this weekend, I am enjoying the beauty of the here and now. The sunrise was gorgeous this morning as I took Jack to school (and my camera and phone both forgot at home) and I have had 3 days of NOT having to towel off 8 muddy paws every time the pooches go in and out..and out and in, and out and in, and out and in...sheesh. Hope you are taking time to enjoy the here and now! Til next time, Julia


  1. Such cheery flowers! I can't wait for my peonies to bloom again :)

  2. I'm loving all the flowers popping up! We just have a few bulbs coming up so far, but I'm ready for all the Spring beauty!

  3. Oh my gosh..How can you have gorgeous weather and flowers blooming and then in a matter of a few days...Snow, I couldn't wrap my arms around it either!! Spring will eventually arrive though and stay...I always does!


  4. LOL..someone doesn't have a firm grasp on the definition of "spam".
