Monday, March 2, 2015

Mixed media mannequin heads Jane Austen and Vintage sewing pattern

 Hi guys! I added some new mannequin heads to my shop today. I sold out of my last collaged ones awhile ago.

 I kept getting Pinterest traffic to my shop from them so I decided it was time to get some more made!

 These are more simple than some of my former ones. Mostly eyes, eyebrows lips and hair and a couple details.

 The text ones are made with vintage Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice pages.

 They really slow me down because I read as I glue!

 These 2 are made with vintage sewing pattern paper.

 I like how the lines add an additional design element..sort of looks like she is making a trip to a plastic surgeon.

 ...a nip here a tuck there..or maybe time is leaving its mark and "paths".

Some people are creeped out by mannequins, but I find these more doll like than scary! I really have had to fight to get in my studio lately. At Christmas time, my daughter blew out all the outlets in there with a hair dryer incident. Now I have a big orange extension cord and a multi strip to power my lights until I get the outlets replaced. 2 days ago the lights didn't come on so I thought my multi strip and blown out somehow, so I bought a new one today..only to find out someone had actually turned the lamps off in there individually, not at the strip. Oh multi strip!

 My daughter's best friend was married this Saturday and my daughter Hope was the maid of honor.

 My daughters Hope and Alexa and grandson Hunter

Beautiful bride..beautiful wedding! Hunter was a total wild man on the dance floor! Now both my daughters are planning to get married next summer..maybe a double wedding? They gave me a vague "theme" Southern, elegant, farmhouse/garden with the colors they picked (both) navy,coral and gold touches. Pink peonies are a must and my paper flowers with a possible paper flower/ rhinestone brooch bouquet for one...yes on mercury glass and vintage aqua jars. I am to "gather things and bounce ideas" so we shall see how this goes! Wish me luck! Til next time! Julia


  1. Wow these mannequin are gorgeous! I love the idea of using the lit as material! Not creepy at all. Works of art, for sure.

    Congrats on the double weddings coming your way!

    Popping over from the EBT...

  2. Love these! I did some awhile back they are so fun to make :)
