Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Foggy morning

 Just a few pix today..
 It was foggy this morning when I took my son to school, so I took a couple photos on the way home.

My neighbor's birdhouse. He has bluebirds at his house. They are so cute! I occasionally see them up the hill here..maybe I need to be more hospitable and put out some houses!

I didn't have the best luck with my spiderweb pix...

 This was going up my driveway..I liked the sunbeams and how the rising sun is glowing beyond the trees. As I have said, I'm not much of a morning person..but if it is this pretty in the morning maybe I need to get up earlier......maybe... Hope you have a blessed day! 'Til next time! Julia


  1. The photos are great! I love the special light on a foggy morning!

  2. Wow! Those are great shots with the spider web. Reminds me of Charlotte's Web. =0)
