Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Adventures in Mixed Media Collage Assemblage

 Hi guys! Here is what I have been working on lately. I have admired mixed media assemblage for awhile now and have finally taken the plunge. I have made things previously for myself but never for hopes of sale. It really is something that I feel inspired about while I am doing it though..and even when I am not doing it and trying to sleep! (What if I tried...) This is paper collage on a wooden substrate.
 If you look closely, the background is a assembled paper quilt block made from antique paper. The pink lines on the ledger paper inspired the direction of this piece.
 These vintage belt buckles looked like topiary trees to me! Nothing against Tim Holtz, but I like to use all original vintage pieces. I feel it makes my things unique to me, not a recipe. I even made my own stamps for this!The luna moth is a photo my daughter snapped between college classes last year.
 I used vintage images from my personal stash, vintage hardware and vintage wallpaper cut outs. I'm not sure this piece is finished yet..I may add more color and possibly attach items to the top and bottom is hard for me to be "Done"!
 I was inspired to do a bit of an icon..this image had such a serene, madonna like she became The Madonna of the Rising Sun.
 Then when I was editing these pics, I played around a bit in Picasa and loved the results! My loving husband bought me the simpler Photo Shop program months ago and I really do need to get it out of the box and play with is just so damn daunting to me!
 This one looks waxed..
 I love color..I like to take 4 different colorful ones of these and make a project out of those!
Too much fun. It is amazing what happens when you dip your toe in the pool! This will eventually be in my etsy store and I have more 3D assemblage pieces in the works. Stop back and see me again! Happy creative swimming! Julia

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