Monday, April 1, 2013

Projects for the Show Paper Peonies and Chicken Wire Cloches

 Hi guys! I survived Easter and the renovation we had going on this week. We (and I mean "we" in the "guys that we hired" way) took the bay window out of our living room and replaced it with a triple patio door and had a deck built. I'll have to do pics of that later! I have a show coming up this weekend and have been creating like a mad woman (and loving it) The theme of the show is garden, so I had to garden up my offerings. I made these paper peonies for sale and decoration in my booth.
 I cut, assemble and dye these individually. I like the different shades of peony pink that result..this shell pink one is a fav of mine.
 I like the warm apricot ones too. I call these peonies, but they do resemble the David Austin rose bush I used to have called Abraham Darby. Loved that one but I killed it somehow!
 Maybe I am only meant for paper flowers! The vase is one of my vintage McCoy ones.
 I also made chicken wire cloches. I didn't have a pattern or instructions for this..I just cut a strip and wired the ends together and shaped the top into a dome and added a glass knob. The succulents I have been searching high and low for..I guess I need to make a trip to "the city"! Lowes had a few and I got 3 at the Nashville Flea Market last week...must..have...more!
 The hand is off a vintage mannequin that Ed bought on Monday. Truly the creepiest mannequin you ever saw!I think she is a 40's -50's model..plaster over wood. She was "done over" as an old granny. I am going to do her over again as something hopefully less creepy and a lot more chic! I will be sharing pics when I do. I made him take her home from the auction in HIS truck. I was afraid she would animate on the way home and strangle me! She is lurking out in our shed as we speak...
 anyhoo...these turned out different sizes but that was OK.
 I used some of the glass knobs we sell in Ed's Etsy shop, and some old washers. I like how they look together!.
This one was a bit larger. I have a ton of things I am working on today and hope to get pics of those things taken tomorrow. Stop back for the further adventures of doing the show! Til then! Julia

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