Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Country Living Atlanta Part 2

 Hi guys! More pix! This display was certainly of the season!
 I have a couple of these exact chairs in aqua. My husband was making noises about selling them after seeing these because apparently I don't "sit in them enough" *pffft* Maybe I should move them inside?!
 I love doll furniture and thought this was a cute display on an old scale. I'd like to fill this tiny "dance floor" with dancing doll figurines..I'd need waltzing cake toppers...wonder if there is such a thing?
 Vintage bottles. Usually when you see them this "sun purpled" it is because they have been irradiated. The sun and time naturally turns them a pale lavender but someone discovered that the process can be hurried along with a fruit irradiator.
 Certainly not saying that this dealer did that, I have bought and sold some dark purple ones myself! They are pretty! I think it was the manganese in the old glass that has this reaction.
 Cool old painted springs.I'd say off farm equipment since they are Ford blue, Minneapolis Moline yellow and International Harvester red..can you tell I am a farm girl?
 Cool old flash cards. I figured out a way to make these myself and I will be sharing a tutorial once I remember exactly how I did it!
 So many cool old mannis and displays...
 Framed vintage doll clothes... sweet!
 Upcycled trophy top coat racks..these had me at red and aqua..love those colors together!
 Sweet feedsack rag balls in an old battery jar. These were used on farms with windmills to store power. After my Gramma got "real" electricity, she used these to make sweet pickles in.
 Vintage dolly graveyard and old china bottle toppers/corks.
 This was a large cool (yes there's that word again!) cubby.
 Probably from a factory since the cubbies are numbered.
 Neat idea. Ugly 1970's piece painted black and the faux leather bits covered with galvanized tin!
 Upcycled baby blocks..
 Another manni...
 Some booths belonged to shop owners and had new pieces mixed with the old.
 Loooove old ornaments!
 I like how she used the vintage baby crib wire platform's springs as hangers..cute!
 Some people put up quite an amazing booth display!
 Magnets made out of wine/whiskey barrel bungs stamped with numbers..
 I loved this green chest!
 Cute idea!
 Cool display...
 This booth had lots of vintage ephemera for scrapbooking and altered art....
 Such coolness!

 They had lots of these industrial bin lids..awesome..(see..no cool there)
So fun!

And all out of time for tonight ( see what I did there..so punny!) Vintage pocket watch faces on a bed of dried hominy corn..this is what corn nuts are made of..and ground up, they are grits! Very fitting for a Southern show! I have one more batch of pics I will post tomorrow or the next day. Stop  back! 'Til then! Julia

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Country Living Atlanta Show Part 1

 Hi guys! My husband and I went to the Country Living Show in Atlanta this weekend..a date! We went down Friday night and stayed so we could get up and going in the morning. We hit an estate sale first thing which was a TOTAL bust. It was 50% off day and even at 50% off it was 4 times the prices we usually pay! So off we went to the show. It was at Stone Mt park. There was quite a line of cars but we got in fairly quickly. The parking lot was almost full but the line for tickets was not that bad. Although next time I will buy them online because those people got in with no wait at all!

This was my necklace of the day..I was blingin' it! It is actually just 4 vintage necklaces slightly entwined and worn at once.I am a bit disappointed with my pix..I took a bunch but there were so many cool things that I feel like I was just snapping willy-nilly..I missed some cool things!

 One of the first booths was the one belonging to the Cash and Cari couple. Now I should have got lots of cool pics here, but apparently I was just wandering about drooling over things..
 They had some cool repurposed lighting and my husband was impressed with their bed that was turned into a bench/loveseat. He said it was really well done and it was..and of course..no pic!

This was a metal covered bird house..love the stool!

 The Earth Angels had a booth and I always love their things. Earth Angels are a fab group of artists. The above pieces are by Debbee Thibault. Some of the artists were manning their displays..I didn't see her this time but did when I was here 2 years ago.

Some of Melody Elizabeth's jewelry. She does upcycled bags also.

                                                               Cool displays! This is an old metal suitcase filed with dried rice.

 Jennifer Paganelli fabrics..I looooove her stuff. I bought some before and really had to struggle to actually cut into it. She is one of my favorite fabric designers.
 This backdrop was amazing..apparently a theatre backdrop.

 Back to Melody Elizabeth's things..there were tons of cool mannequins at this show! That is her in the background in the silk dressing gown jacket.

 Her door display was cool and her jewelry was too!

 This is Hotcakes designs..loooove this! You can find these ladies by going to www.earthangelsstudios.com

 Jody Battaglia..she uses the most scrumptious colors and her pieces and displays are so adorable!

 Too stinkin' cute!

 Valerie Weberpal...

I love Jennifer Lanne's paintings. She was there and seemed so sweet! These "Spencerian" flourished ones are interesting..
Her colors are so saturated and lovely..

 Love that landscape...

 I believe these were Cheryl Kuhn..

These too...

 Then we wandered into the vintage area. There were a lot of vendors and demonstrations going on,but after 30 years of marriage, I do know my husband's limits. He WAS better behaved than my then 2 yr old grandson was the last time I went..less tears.. LOL. Actually he loves this "old stuff" too and had fun. He did have to point out other husbands who were NOT having fun..especially the guy carrying his wife's vintage screen door on top of his head! I said, "Well maybe it was HIS" but he pointed out which one had the smile on their face! There was some cool old games and signage. I liked this green little file cabinet.  Now I know I SHOULD have the name of every dealer whose booths I took pictures of. I truly planned on doing that but then..I got in there..and totally lost my mind...
 Lots of cool displays..
 fab jewelry and great display..book page covered landscaping timber..
 And a half of an old column on an old wooden ironing board. (I iron on one of these..my grampa made it in shop class in the 1920's!)
 Old glass cases with strategiacally rolled antique book pages. I wonder if these are Harper's Weekly's..because I have a huge box of those that I should be doing this with!
 I always like these old wooden dumb bells..
 There were lots of old store display racks both for sale and just used for display..w/ mini pie pans here.
 I have several of these filled with my button collection(s) and old game parts!
 Bingo cards..check...
 I love old globes and have 4-5 in my boy's room. I just love the colors and different sizes. Old industrial made a strong appearance at this show..here is an old school desk and movie projector.
 Racks of old playing cards to repurpose..love these..
 Lots of cool cases with lots of cubbies...
 Vintage fans, scales and clocks..
 Lab glassware..
 I love these little bits and bobs..I probably have most of them at my house!
Cute display in metal, black and red..a heat lamp, tin toy typewriters and a cute red ladder. Lots more pics to come but I decided to break them up into a couple batches so as not to overwhelm anyone! Stop back! Julia