Friday, November 30, 2012

Vintage Japanese Chinese Lanterns

 Hi guys! I spent some time today taking pix of vintage Chinese or Japanese lanterns for my Etsy shop.

 They always remind me of one of my favorite paintings by John Singer Sargent "Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose" so glowing and beautiful!

 Mine were hung on the clothesline. It was actually quite warm and gorgeous for November today!

 After I listed them with their "real" pics, I played around with them in Picasa for a bit..I like this "Polaroid" one.

 My grandson was "helping" me take was the wind! I like the movement of the tassels in this one.

Focal black and white...

Totally jazzed up..I have a hard time stopping editing! Just oooone more effect! LOL

I don't consider myself a photographer..I know zilch about camera settings and I have numerous photos of my children with somebody's head cut off (sorry Evan!) but I do love to play! I hope you enjoyed! Stop back soon! Julia

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