Thursday, October 25, 2012

Felted Sweater Tote

 Hi guys! Today I am show and telling my latest project..a tote I am in the process of  making myself from vintage estate sale wool sweaters.
 I look for 100% wool sweaters while I am estate sale-ing. My price cap is $2 unless it is one I plan to wear as is.
 I ran these thru the washer (on hot) and dryer a couple times to shrink. I then snipped and dyed some of the pieces with Rit dye. I never wear gloves so my fingers were pink for a day! The base sweater I left undyed. I love colorful against a neutral.
 The gold was vintage wool yardage that I also shrunk/felted. The black and white is vintage yardage..not all wool but I just love the houndstooth pattern! I drew a pattern on paper and cut out my shapes and snipped out the flower circles.
 I pinned then sewed them on. Because some of these were a bit thick, I zig zagged the centers to the flower bases first, then sewed the flowers to the tote face. I then added vintage buttons from my stash. This one is actually a gilded pressed  glass Victorian one.
 I was going to add rick rack stems and felted leaves but I could not find my rick rack stash..yes I have a rick rack stash..doesn't everyone? I have decided to call these poppies..
Since Plan A was not happening, I tried my hand for the first time at some free form machine stitched stems and leaves and I actually love how these turned out! I think I like it better than my original plan. I like how the stitches have an ink drawing quality. I must try more of this! I plan to finish this up tonight so I can have a new tote when my husband and I go to the Country Living Show in Atlanta tomorrow. I will share completed pics and I also plan to take lots of pics at the show (if I remember my camera!) 'Til next time! Julia


  1. I love this so far! Your finished tote is going to look amazing!

  2. This is a great design/idea...a good way to bring new life into something else...recycling is good!
