Thursday, September 20, 2012

My latest finds and what I have been up to

 Hi guys! Long time no write! I have been buuusy! I have been hunting and gathering to restock my booths and Etsy shops and also busy making things. The above harvest table is my favorite find of maybe the year! We went to what was advertised as an estate sale last weekend but when we pulled up it screamed "yard sale". Not that there is anything wrong with yard sales, it is just that to me, a yard sale people are getting rid of things they don't want and at an estate sale they are getting rid of evvvvvverything. We decided what the hey..lets go look. In the garage under 30 Dollar Store items from the 90s was THIS table. I asked the lady "Is the table for sale?" She said "Well eventually" I asked what that meant and she said she wanted to sell the stuff off the top first. I asked her how much and she said TEN DOLLARS. I about hyperventilated. I gave her the money and told her we would be back in a few hours.We continued estate sale-ing and I worried she would resell it or change her mind before we got back. We stopped and got $13 worth of bungee cords and strapped that baby on the roof of our Dodge Caravan! I looove this and it is the perfect size..would seat 6 easily..not too narrow or too long and is the right height. I would like to keep it but as with most things I will probably part ways with it at our next show! (Boo!)
 These are some fab 20s 30s 40s quilt squares I bought.
 Fab cheerful pillow sweet!
 An amazing Grandma's Flower Garden quilt top...
 I made these kitchen towels from vintage feedsack that had already been cut up and some vintage pom pom fringe..cutesie tootsie!
 I collected these vintage wire whisks one by one until I had a group of 3. I love their sculptural look!
 Some cool enamelware photo developing trays...I had so many more things that already went on EBay or to my booth uptown!
 The next few are a few of the necklaces I made from pieces parts from my vintage hoard..erm.. stash.
 Rusty keys, chandelier bits and a pearly bead..
 Oops..repeat. This has a vintage brass escutcheon keyhole with fab patina and vintage glass beads and is one of my favs.
This one has a new bead and an older verdigris key..yummy! I have a lot more that I will be listing in the next few days in my husband has been cracking the whip..which is perfectly fine with me, some days I need a cattle prod! He actually does not push hard, just keeps me on track or I would be at the table making things for days and never listing them! I hope you all are having a spectacular September and the weather is as beautiful as it is here (but with less ragweed!) Til next time! Julia


  1. I agree, the table is amazing - congratulations! I would love to have one like that too. And I love the other finds, too, especially those beautiful keys.

  2. Great find on the table, junkers are always looking up, down, and around. I love the old feed sacks and and towels you made too!

