Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Weekend Gathering antique show

 Hi guys! I wanted to share what I was up to this weekend. I had a show in Knoxville..The Gathering Show which is a antique/vintage/handmade show. The lady that runs it used to have these shows in Nashvillle and I did a couple but it was 2 1/2 hours away and I had little kids then so it wasn't a good fit for me..even though they were cool shows! She contacted me a couple months back. She has started doing the shows in Knoxville which is just 40 miles or so away..I was In Like Flynn! (whatever the heck that means.. I was going!) Note my poor minivan....
 The show set up was Friday morning and my husband was at work and couldn't help and my daughter was at college so she was out too until the afternoon.Thankfully her friend watched the grandson so I didn't have his "help"...not sure how he would have fit in the van anyways!
 I mayyyy have overpacked! I had to take all my displays/infrastructure and my goodies!
 I had room left for one huge coffee and one big Mt. Dew and that was it! (Caffeine loading!)
 I schlepped all my stuff in and just piled it up. It was an indoor show but I wanted my tent to hang things off of. Some snooty old dealer dude walked by and very snottily said, "Expecting rain?" I was elbows deep in unloading and all hot and sweaty and didn't catch his snark and said (as I thought he was commenting about the actual weather) "Oh I hope not..I hear it might rain later tonight." He just looked at me and blinked and wandered off shaking his head..a few minutes later it sank it what he was talking about and I was like "HEY!" Forever slow on the uptake...
 The Stank doll sold! (see previous post) The lady that bought her said she knew these old plastic doll have a "weird smell" but she kinda liked it. I did not argue! I sold several dolls and tons of vintage doll clothes. This white shelf is a piece of crud my husband drug home. I painted it white and added chicken wire on the back and it is actually quite handy to display off of.
 I had 4 vintage and upcycled can see the bottom of an old mesh one here. This "table" is actually 4 huge plastic totes ..2 stacked on each end..and 3 boards for the top covered w/ old damask tablecloths. It takes up almost no extra space in my van and it is very handy!
 A lot of people liked my old crib spring. I snatched it out of my garden where it was being used as a trellis. I sprayed it w/ a couple coats of matte sealer to keep the rust off things and wired it to my tent post. It laid flat on the floor of my van and was the first thing I loaded..taking up almost zero room. I clothes-pinned vintage doll clothes on it and when the doors opened it was immediately wiped out. This is like the 3rd group of doll clothes I put on it..first time I had a minute to snap a couple pix! The sectional mannequin sold and is off to a new home. I will miss her! Those metal star/gear/flower things on the floor are old rotary disc blades we picked up this summer in SD..they have a great look! (The other thing is a tractor seat) My pics turned out SO BAD..I don't know what I had my camera set on but it was not the right setting. My eyesight is so bad that all the pics look blurry anyways when I check my camera so I just thought it was my eyes not the pix! I was soooo bummed when I got home and downloaded these pics!
 Blurrier.. I had lots of girly stuff..pretty can cans and lots of vintage baby dresses. That is 2 of my new totes hanging off the end and wire baskets of wooden letterpress type blocks and aqua mason jars on the floor.
 A dishpan of silverplate and the coolest wire basket/bin w/ my new upcycled vintage ticking pillows..
 This is the outside of my booth. I added a clothes line to hang vintage aprons on. I had 3 different people want to buy my ladder rack (umm sorry..I had that baby loaded and use it in all my shows!) and one lady tried to buy my shoes..I had taken them off because my feet started hurting and had them next to my chair! Why is it always the one thing in your booth that is not for sale is what people ask about buying?!
 This cute tin toy cabinet sold. I had quite a few Fire King Jadeite bowls and other pieces.
 My new vintage lace cuffs and upcycled hardware necklaces and an altered mannequin head. They are sitting on pedestals I made from big gears and chunky wooden bases w/ added vintage crystals.
 This vintage mail sorter sold to another was cool!
 My upcycled torso manni sported a vintage bra-let and some of my necklaces..
 An old drawer I spiffed up stood on end and held very "Marie" faux cupcakes of mine and organza and vintage bead flower pins and clips.
 Eat Cake!
 Some of my vintage scarf pins and some altered votives and upcycled vintage cobalt bottles..
 Here's the ladder display holding quilts, spreads, curtains and tablecloths. That is a basket on the floor that I made from vintage wire garden is holding some of my paper hand dyed peony pins. They are not really for a lapel..more to pin on a curtain or pillow or lampshade ..or pin to a ribbon and tie them on anyplace!
 Baby dresses on handmade twig and wire hangers, a handpainted table and a map covered vintage suitcase..I needed to charge a "Oh how cute" fee on that one! It was only $25 but I still have it.
 Upcycled doily and vintage ticking pillow and vintage tablecloths..
 This is the banner my 4 yr old grandson Hunter and I made..he was all about the glittering! (he gets that from his Nina)
 I painted the letters on old dictionary pages. I made oversized "tags" from manilla folders and glued cute scrapbook paper on, then the letter. Then we added black glitter dots for some pizazz. I punched 2 holes at the top and threaded them on twill tape to hang. They slide along so I can make it longer if I need to. I really like how this turned out!
 Some of my handstamped Christmas stockings..
 closer look..
 Clock face ornaments I made from pics of clockfaces in my stash/collection and vintage buttons and glitter.
 A vintage doll head and a crown I made from vintage lace and pearl beads..
 2 of my upcycled trophies...
 Old patterns were $3 ..I have some cool ones!
 Close up of my antique sheet music manni. She wore a pale pink corset cover w/ some of my handmade paper rosette clips clipped on her.
 Vintage roll up map of Brazil peeking through the those colors!
And last pic ... tons of vintage hankies vintage baby bonnets, croquet balls and vintage cobblers lasts/shoe forms that I painted. It was a pretty good show and I did well. I think this show will only get better as it goes along..this was only the second show in Knoxville. I plan to do it again in November..but boooooy do I ache in every bone and muscle of my body! Time to regroup tomorrow! Hope you had a great weekend! Til next time! Julia


  1. I can't believe you got all of this in your van! What fun, great items, I love looking at vendors booths...Oh, I laughed at the rain/ tent comment!


  2. WOW!!! That's a lot of stuff, lol.
    The displays look great.

  3. I never had a minivan before but I must say I LOVE the Dodge Caravan..It has a built in car seat for the grandbaby and when I need to I can take all the extra seats out! I may not be stylin' but I am large and in charge!
