Monday, July 16, 2012

South Dakota Summer

Hi guys! We made our usual summer trip home to South Dakota. This year it was just my husband and I and our 9 year old son Jack. Our big girls had to work so they and grandson Hunter stayed in TN to hold down the fort. I was quite dismayed at being parted from Hunter. I have been with him almost every day of his life except my Sturgis sister trip last summer. We both survived but it was hard! It is an 18 hour car trip to SD. The things I miss the most besides family are the gorgeous sunsets and the heavenly smell of alfalfa hay. Warning..lots of pics of family and festivities ahead!

 We stopped in Sioux Falls to see our oldest son Evan and his girlfriend Krystal. I only see him a few days a year and I really miss him! Jack was our event planner. He wanted to see "the falls" of Sioux Falls and the Japanese Garden this time. I love Jack's face here..apparently he was REALLY excited!

Evan said the falls were lower than normal. There were people out climbing on the rocks and making me very nervous..please do not fall to your death in front of me! Did I mention I really do not like heights..or depths?

The Japanese Garden was small and peaceful and full of Canadian geese!
 This year was my husband's classes 35th highschool reunion. They had a graduating class of 78 people. He had a fun class, lots of great,crazy people.

Stories were shared and a good time was had by all.

 We spent some time at my uncle's cabin at the lake. My son got out of the car, into the lake and didn't come out until dark. We used to spend our 4th of July's at the lake when I was little too. I'm glad that he gets to make his own memories. He loves being with his cousins and really misses them the rest of the year.
 My mom and my uncle Mark and his grandbaby Marcus.
 My sister Laura had a tea party for us girls..her food is always so good!
 My hollyhocks did NOT look like these this year..I had a bug who munched them up!
                          The newest grand-daughter Kinley.
 The newest great grand daughter Riley Rose and her momma Alyssa.
                                      My sisters Laura and Janet.
 My sisters Andrea and Jessica and nieces Nicki and Alyssa.
 A night out at the local watering hole. Andrea and Janet.
 Nephew Damian and my brothers in law Kim and Steve... pure BS-ing going on here...
 At the 4th of July parade waiting for the candy.Grandsons Jayce(ducking) Jack, Korbin, Rylan and Tait..lots of boys!
 Some of our former "candy snatchers" are now helpers. Lain helping Braden and Kyla and Mr. Weenie.
                                                                      Riley Rose

Miss Kinley

 The official start of the of these ladies is my husband's Aunt Mildred. This was sort of bittersweet as my Aunt Paulette who passed last year from lung cancer was usually on this "float" too.
 The usual parade entries..antique fire engines...
 A "train"...
 Antique tractors (my husband's favorite Minneapolis Moline)
 Antique cars....
 and vintage cars...
 and of course no parade is complete without the Shriners!

John Deere..
 And my fav a International Dad and Grandpa used to have ones like this that they would give us rides on.
 My sister Aron and Annika. Annika was a bit dejected that she was out candy snatched..the older kids did share though with the littles. Look at that body language!
 My Mom and Dad..looking good for 70 somethings!
 The town (and highschool) mascot. Pheasant hunting is very popular here in the fall.
 Of course there are beauty queens..I even rode in this parade one year as the local "Snow Queen"!
 More old cars...

 And what signifies the end of the parade..the horses..all the better for the little boys if one of the horses poops so they can "ewwwwww!"and giggle.
                                            Jack's candy bounty.
 Niece Nicki with her daughter Arya who is in the "I don't want my picture taken" stage.
 We retired to the local railroad depot for air conditioned comfort, food and antique firetruck rides for the kids.

I so covet this chalkboard!

                                               Some of the nephews in the firetruck.
 Fireworks at Grandpa's farm. This always makes me nervous! One year they set the haystack on fire. It got put out before it got out of hand though (luckily).
                                                         Miss Arya and her sparkler.

 Some of the grandkids tagged Gramma's driveway with smokeball graffiti.
 Daddy Steve and Annika...she has the same feeling about wearing pants that my grandson does!
  Some of the bigger boys. Later we went to town to see the "big fireworks". It was really fab... not a mosquito in sight. The last 2 summers they were horrible!

I was glad to get back home to my Grandbaby. We got home just in time for his baseball swim party. He was pretty proud of his trophy! Now back to real life and back to work! Til next time! Julia

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a fun (Long) trip, to have so much fun and so many great memories and so many family members!

