Monday, July 30, 2012

Latest Upcycled Dress Form Mannequin and Vintage Lace Cuffs

 Hi guys! I have been so busy this week! This is a vintage dress form mannequin of mine that I upcycled  to have a more romantic vibe! before pic..she was skin toned (eww) peachy moire taffeta. I decided to give her a more vintage, Frenchy look.
 She got a couple coats of gesso and then I painted her grey-ish taupe..thinking that was the color I wanted her. It was NOT! LOL. So I painted her cream over that and when dry sanded back so there was some of the grey showing through.
 I added a vintage lamp part that resembled a crown and some French-y antique ad graphics from the Graphics Fairy. I gave it a bit of antique-ing (the paper)
 Glued the paper to cardboard cut to the size of the "crown" center and glued the whole 9 yards on with E6000.
 I may still add some tissue paper decals..maybe a peacock tattoo or text..
 I am supposed to be doing a show next month and she will be there displaying my stuff.
 Such a pretty back!
RANDOM PICTURE!!  Alas..sad news grandson's fish Bubbles went belly up. I made him a stamped spoon headstone. My stamping was a bit wonky but I did it in 2 minutes while the "service" was going on. I was hammering on the back step and it was about 100 degrees and the hot concrete was scorching my tooshie through my skirt! A def. rush job! He flushed his last fish and thought that one "woke up" after being flushed..Dang Disney! He just turned 4 and we had to have the talk about death today. We put him in charge of deciding on the "arrangements" bury..or flush. There were a few tears but once the service was over, he was fine. I wanted to bury this until just the top showed like an old style headstone, but I was afraid my husband would step on it while mowing and I'd never hear the end of it..I am still hearing about the needle in the arm of the couch he sat on YEARS ago! I sort of put it under the lilac bush and warned him about it so he doesn't mow it over. I shall have to remind him!
Back to lighter news! These are some vintage fabric and lace cuff bracelets I am making for the show next month. If they don't sell there they may end up on Etsy. The "jewelry" market is just so saturated there that I thought they may have a better chance "in person". With the exception of the pale pink ruffle behind the button on this one, every scrap of what I used was antique or vintage!
 I have hoarded vintage lacy bits for years. It was fun actually getting to use them! I am not a jewelry maker per se, but I am a vintage repurposer with a lot of different ideas!
 I think this one may be my fav..hard to say though since they were all my fav when I was putting them together!
 These can be worn either direction. Chiffon and chandelier prisms and vintage cloth measure tape.
 Eyelet lace and rolled rosettes and more layered vintage lace.
 Overview..I still need to add snap closures to these.

 This one I added a hammered and stamped bit of brass hardware over eyelet. All vintage mother of pearl buttons from my jar(s).
 I realize these are not for everyone....
But hopefully they will be for someone! I have more "show goodies" to share later..stop back! Until then! Julia


  1. I love the dress form, a lamp part crown is genius! Love the bracelets too and I am sorry to say, I laughed at the fish story!


  2. Your mannequin is gorgeous!! I love your bracelets too. The tape measure is such a creative addition!

  3. Thanks! And that's OK was a comedy/tragedy. Poor Bubbles..we barely knew ye! Onto Bubbles the Second..I did have a moment of wanting to lie like a rug and make it all rosy but he heard me say "Oh NO!" and saw him floating!
