Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Flowers Blooms and Blossoms..

Hi guys! Today I am sharing some of the flowers from my garden. This is the only way most of my sisters (there are 6 of us and I am the oldest) get to see my "garden"! The first couple are hollyhocks. These came from seeds from my mom and dad's house. They seem to grow much better there in SD than here in TN. I have some sort of bug that munches them here.

These remind me of strawberries and cream!

Dahlias..I am not a huge dahlia fan as I am partial to scented flowers, but I did see some gorgeous pink ones on Pinterest that I will have to track down! (Again..if you are new to my blog, I have an exclamation point addiction..!!!!)

This is Queen Anne's Lace. This is actually a wildflower/weed here, but if it springs up in my flower bed I generally leave it. I edited this in Picasa with the "1960's" effect.. I like playing with photos there!

Hydrangea..I believe this was Nikko Blue. Not scented but such a beautiful blue!

This bush is about 5 years old and it is 8 foot across now. My husband threatens to hack it down since it sits directly in front of his TV satellite dish and it tends to spread in and block his signal..especially when it rains. I have pruned it a bit but I may have to trim a bit more..I just hate cutting off those gorgeous flowers!

Morning Glory. I love how in this pic, the sun was shining through the white center in the back and it looks like it is glowing! I like these because they are easy to grow and low maintenence and even though they are an annual, they usually reseed themselves. I love roses but have the worst time trying to grow them in the humidity of East spot heaven! I keep trying though!

I have 3 of these old zinc galvanized chicken waterers that I use as planters and I love them!

Our new grapes I planted this spring. I use old rake, spade and shovel heads that have broken or missing handles as garden "art". The gate is from my dad's farm junk pile. These line my "arbor". Gates on one side and 2 rusty iron headboards on the other. Yay for garden junk!

Last pic. These are the 3 new cherry trees I just planted. I was in Walmart getting paint for my bathroom and ended up with 3 cherry and an apple tree in a "half off the half off price" sale. These were $6 and the Gala apple was $5. I already had to spray them as apparently Japanese Beetles think cherry trees are tasty!Thanks for stopping by! Til next time! Julia


  1. Wow! Your garden is beautiful! I love the hydrangeas are gorgeous and remind me of an aunt who had two huge bushes flanking her back door!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for all the info on my cookie jar! I appreciate it! I'm going to look up Ransbottom and see what I can find.

    The hydrangea aunt is a different one from the cookie jar aunts LOL!!

  2. your garden is looking great. Keep the Queen's Anne Lace, butterflies love them. I'm in eastern NC and while I also get black spots on my rose bushes, I also get tons of flowers...on the knock out rose bushes. they have great scent too.

  3. You have an amazing garden! Gorgeous pics too!
