Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Antique and vintage cameras

Hi guys! I am spending the day listing vintage and antique cameras in my Etsy shop and a couple on EBay. I decided I needed a "blog break!" These first 3 pics are photos of what I have previously done with vintage cameras. The first one I replaced peeling leatherette with vintage maps and added a photo display wire. (This one has sold)
I liked the idea of maps, travel and cameras.I thought they went well together.
This one shows one of my favorite photos I took of my daughter and grandson 2 summers ago. Just add your old photo to the flash holder of a vintage camera. (You may have to add weight to the interior to prevent tippage)
These are a few I was listing or will be listing today. The first couple are box cameras from the 1930's-40's.
I like the old deco style graphics on these! You could also add small frames to the sides of these for unique 3D photo displays. The interior also makes for a cool trinket box and I have also seen these upcycled into junk robot bodies! I also had one I added a handle to and used as a small purse. Vintage camera cases that come with some of these also make great repurposed purses!
I listed some antique cameras too. These old folding cameras are so intriguing to me!
Photography used to be such a "process" ..yes..that was a photography pun..sorry!
This one apparently used film or plates.
Most antique cameras are suprisingly affordable and would make an awesome display with vintage family photos! I felt a bit odd taking pictures of cameras with my digital camera..you've come a long way baby! When I picked up my camera, it felt so light I thought I had forgotten to put batteries in it!
My "photography assistant" my 3 yr old grandson Hunter decided we needed to "color" these in editing.
Suprisingly it was fun and cool effects resulted!
I think I may print these first 4 for a Warhol-esque "homage".
I love this one!
Three year olds have great ideas!
This one made me think of using it or other altered photos of mine as backgrounds for further altered mixed media collage pieces..hmmmm... Thanks Hunter! Til next time, here's hoping you find inspiration in unexpected places and may you look at life with the eyes of a child! Julia


  1. Vintage cameras are so great. We have some gathering dust in the closet. Makes me think I should pull them out!

  2. OMG the maps camera is uber-awesome! Pinning!

  3. I love them. and aren't kids grand?? pun intended. :)

  4. Enjoy your blogging break!! I love old cameras, I am going to use a few at my son's vintage themed wedding this year. And let the Jr. Andy Warhol know that I think the colored pictures are great!

  5. Gorgeous cameras! I love anything vintage and these are fabulous!
    New blog follower from Etsy Blog team :)
