Saturday, March 17, 2012

My latest projects

Hi guys! I finally had a day to "play". I finished up some started projects. This silhouette was formerly one of those vintage brassy Italian frames with domed glass and a rose print. You see them at thrift stores and tag sales quite a bit. No I didn't think to take a before pic! I sprayed the framed with gloss black. The glass actually had the picture glued to it so that took a bit of soaking and peeling and scrubbing (and one good cut to my finger to remind me that the edge of the glass was sharp) to get it cleaned up. The silhoutte image is from the Graphics Fairy. ( I need to try to link this up on their brag Monday!) I just trimmed scrapbook paper to the size of a sheet of typing paper and ran it through my printer. I do not have Photo Shop, I just have $20 Print Shop, but I have learned to make it do a lot of what I want it to. I made another with a different silhoutte, but I cannot figure out WHAT I did with the glass for that frame. I seem to remember it HAD glass ??? Maybe one of my people broke it and never 'fessed up. I swear my family tries to make me think am losing it sometimes! ( I hope)
These are collaged journals. I love working with vintage and reproduced vintage papers. The wallpaper cover is old. These are lined in the front and back inside covers with antique sheet music. Most of the images on this one are vintage ones from my stash except the little bird stamp which is from the Graphics Fairy.
The butterflies are from Dover Press. The zinnia postcard is a copy of an old one I have as is the photo which I hand tinted. I found a cigar box of old cut out catalog paperdolls at an estate sale this winter and I was soooo happy! I added some text tiles to her dress.
The ad is a copy of an antique one from my stash. I think this one is my favorite. It was my least favorite wallpaper, but it turned into my favorite journal.
This was made with red and white toile wallpaper. I like old wallpaper but it can be quite crumbly for some projects, particularily if you have to fold it. You can color copy it though!
I copy of a pic from my stash and a text tile. I was looking for one that said "sisters" and I could have made one on my computer, but family seemed to fit too. It was from an old ad copy.
The certificate image and peacock are from the Graphics Fairy. Print Shop won't let you layer like photo shop (it leaves white background on the front image) so I printed the ad as a label and then ran it through again and printed the peacock..done! More copies of vintage catalog ladies.
This one is a bit more Victorian. The 2 top images and the bug are Graphics Fairy, the rest are from my stash. The feather is actually a scanned image of a peacock feather (not a tail feather) from the peacocks that roam my yard. I felt it added an old fashioned feather pen feel that fitted a journal!
On this one the perfume ad and furniture pic are G.F. ther rest are mine. I love this wallpaper! The little Japanese girl is a fav image of mine from a set of antique sterograph (viewfinder) cards.
Another pastel one. The urn, ad and mannequin are G.F. the rest are mine. A larger feather image on this one. All the ribbon is vintage taffetta.
These are some small gift bags I started a long time ago and finished yesterday. I think I got the template for the bag from Martha Stewart..I can't remember if it was a book, magazine or online.
The camera angle makes the bottom 2 look foreshortened but they are all the same size..great for a bar of soap or jewelry or other small gift.
I made these from vintage map paper, a punched bit from a vintage French book of fairy tales and a G.F. Image. I thought the birds "went" with the maps..even though they never use them, they do travel a lot! These handles are all vintage taffetta ribbon too. I haven't decided where these are going yet, booth or online. I signed up for a garden/antique fair here in Sweetwater next Saturday so they may be making an appearance there. I made more with vintage wallpaper and some other things that I will share in my next post. 'Til next time! Julia

1 comment:

  1. I love the birdie bags and how you make your print shop work even with limitations!

    via etsy blog team
