Thursday, May 23, 2013

Strawberry picking time in Tennessee

 It's strawberry time in Tennessee!
Jack didn't have school today. Tomorrow is his last day/awards day. So this morning bright and early we headed to the U Pick Strawberry fields.
 My 2 industrious helpers, my grandson Hunter and youngest son Jaxon. Note Jack's footwear. His mother TOLD him flip flops were a bad idea but left it up to him for the final decision.
 There are rows and rows of strawberries. It has been raining a TON here so I figured it would be muddy and I was right.
 You have to get there early to beat the crowds and get the best and easiest berries.
 The little old folks are out there bright and early! I don't always care about getting the biggest berries so an extra half hour of sleep on a "day off" from hauling Jack to school is fine by me!
 It is fun searching for treasure.Some are right on top and some are under the leaves.
 I find myself getting greedy looking for the next big bunch and fitting as many into my $10 bucket as I can.
 It was beautiful this morning..70 degrees and towards the end the sun was warming the exposed berries. It is quiet and peaceful and meditative as it can be with 4 and 10 year old boys "This is a WHOPPER!" This one looks like a butt! I'm stuck in the mud!Good!Then I get your XBox!" I maaaay have eaten this one.

 Strawberry gorgeousness!
Of course Mom was right and Jack got his flip flops stuck in the mud and he was pretty muddy too..hmmm. Now onto rinsing, eating, strawberry shortcakes and freezing! Hope you have a great day too! Til next time! Julia

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm published!

 Hi guys! This week in the mail I received my care package from Northridge Publishing. I was contacted last fall about submitting one of my items in my Etsy shop for the magazine/book Handmade Paper Crafting.
 I didn't want to say anything until I saw it in print because they told me maybe 1% of the time they have to cut something and I was afraid it would be me!
 But there it is! The only slight bummer, they forgot to put in my Etsy shop address..but oh well..still happy!
They also sent me some goodies to play with. Now I need to make some things and actually submit something! For now it is off to the shed to load up the trailer for the show this weekend. I need more time to create! Til next time..Julia

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Irises, Cat proofing the garden, and new projects

 Hi guys! I have been busy lately..and not a lot of pics to show what I was up to! In the garden the irises are blooming..they smell wonderful.
These are ones that I transplanted from my husband's Gramma's garden In SD a few years ago. 
 Gramma Minnie was a wonderful lady and lived to 104. I felt like she was my gramma too!
 Her irises seem to like living in TN. I guess that is why they are the state flower. I am glad I transplanted them. I feel like I have a piece of her still with us.
 These yellow ones weren't from her garden, but pretty nonetheless.
 I have raised beds in my gardens and have had issues with our lazy outdoor cats treating them like their personal litterboxes (ewww)I surfed the web for answers and tried this this year. Plastic garden fencing from Lowes. It comes on a roll. I got a large one for $35 ish bucks. It did all my beds. I just drilled a few screws into the bed edges and hooked the plastic on. I have already folded it back off the tomatoes and peppers when they started growing through it.
 I used newspaper to deter the cats after I folded the netting back.
 I just laid it right over the top of the peas and beans that were not planted in raised beds. I have since removed them from the peas and have added them to a framework over the top of them to act as a bit of light shade.
 I planted the squash and watermelons in my former tomato cages. I wanted something for them to climb on. We'll see how these turn out!
 These are the latest in my Etsy shop. These are reproduction enamelware that I have added waterslide decals onto.
 I also made canisters. I wanted them to look like the old French ones I am too poor/cheap to buy!
 I did them in red..
 a blue that I matched to old transferware that I have..
 and black..always a classic.
 I also did some pitchers and have some wallpockets waiting for my attention. I spent last week ripping tile off the walls and floors in my bathroom. We have it almost replaced with new floor tile and beadboard wainscotting. I'll take pix when it's done! I spent most of this week tearing my antique booths apart..taking 75% of the things out and putting new old things in. We have the HWY 11 yard sale in Sweetwater this weekend and I have space that I plan to fill with things lurking in my sheds and house that are too big for my booth and things clearance priced. I hope it doesn't rain! It has rained almost every day for the last 2 weeks..craziness. I need an ark! I have also been working on painting projects and I hope to have more pics soon..check back! Til then! Julia