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Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Misty, Moisty Morning

It is a foggy morning in East Tennessee. I took these pics on the way home from dropping my little boy off at school...some I was just sticking the camera out the window and clicking as I drove by! (Not safe driving I am sure!)
I love foggy, moist mornings..everything looks like it is wrapped in cotton candy. It appears so timeless when you can't see the cell towers and power lines!
I can imagine Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy traipsing across the fields having earnest conversations..
This was my prize for getting out of the car!
This is the foot of my driveway. It feels magical to me because I know what is at the end of it!

Hope your road home is magical too! Until next time! Julia


Sweet Posy Dreams said...

These are just beautiful. Makes me miss Tennessee. Someday I hope to leave northern Illinois and move somewhere scenic again.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

wow, what great pictures and your driveway IS magical. We are finally going to get some rain this weekend in Florida after a dry spell


Beth McDonald said...

Fabulous ethereal and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures you posted! I live in West Kentucky and love driving around looking at the pretty old barns. Love your driveway looks magical!

Choc Chip Uru said...

This is stunning :D
I wish I lived in such a magical place like you :)

Choc Chip Uru
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